Seek my Soulmate

Website Redesign
USA Dodgeball mockup




USA Dodgeball is a dynamic organization dedicated to fostering and advancing the sport of dodgeball nationwide. The previous website posed challenges for players seeking tournament registration and relevant dodgeball information, as its navigation and user interface were confusing. Consequently, member satisfaction was low. USA Dodgeball recognized the need for a website redesign to enhance user experience and provide comprehensive information on their Premier Tour, Team USA, and individual dodgeball organizations.


The challenge was to redesign the USA Dodgeball website to improve user experience, make it easier for players to find information and register for tournaments, and increase member satisfaction.


The design process began with a thorough evaluation of the existing website to identify areas for improvement. This included user research to understand the needs and frustrations of USA Dodgeball members.

Once the pain points were identified, a user flow chart was created to map out the ideal user experience for the new website. This helped to ensure that the new design would be easy to navigate and use.

Next, wireframes were sketched out to visualize the layout and structure of the new website. These wireframes were then refined through user testing to ensure that they were clear and intuitive.

Once the wireframes were finalized, high-fidelity mockups were created to provide a realistic representation of the new website. These mockups were used to gather feedback from stakeholders and make any necessary changes.

Finally, the website was developed using Webflow. This platform was chosen because it is easy to use and allows for rapid prototyping.


The redesigned USA Dodgeball website is a success. It is now easier for players to find information and register for tournaments, and member satisfaction has increased significantly.

The new website features a clean and modern design, with improved navigation and user experience. The Premier Tour section has been redesigned to make it easier for players to stay up to date on tournament updates. The website is also mobile-friendly, with a design that is optimized for smaller screens.


The USA Dodgeball website redesign is a case study in how to create a user-friendly and informative website. By carefully considering the needs of the target audience and using user research to guide the design process, the team was able to create a website that is both visually appealing and easy to use.


UI/UX Designer

Programs Used
Adobe XD
Adobe XD
Webflow logo
Photoshop logo

Before & After

Before & After

USA Dodgeball BeforeUSA Dodgeball home page



1.6k unique users
visited 12k times
22.8% more users visited on their mobile devices



John is a 30-year-old accountant from Los Angeles, CA. He is a dodgeball enthusiast and is looking for a dodgeball league to play in while visiting a new city. He wants to know all the rules of dodgeball and doesn't like social media, so he wants to find a resource that is easy to use and doesn't require him to use Facebook.

USA Dodgeball can help John by providing him with up-to-date information on dodgeball tournaments in different cities, a comprehensive resource on dodgeball rules and regulations, and a directory of dodgeball leagues. USA Dodgeball can position itself as the one-stop shop for all things dodgeball and emphasize its commitment to providing players with the information and resources they need to succeed.

User Persona

Site Map

Site Map

USA Dodgeball sitemap



Final Product

Final Product

Home pAge

Home pAge

Home Page Design
  • The home page design has been improved to be both visually appealing and easy to navigate to entice viewers to spend more time on the site.
  • The new navigation bar and header text clearly stand out on the page, helping users better maneuver the different site options.
  • I added a call to action button, Play Dodgeball, so players can easily navigate to the Premier Tour section.
  • Below the header graphic, I replaced the hectic photo collage with individual sections, including titles, concise paragraphs, call to action buttons, and singular images of dodgeball players.
  • At the bottom of the home page, I included a section where users can quickly register as a USA Dodgeball member at the click of a button.

Premier Tour

Premier Tour

  • A new section of the website, the Premier Tour houses everything a player would need to play dodgeball.
  • All of the tournaments that USA Dodgeball hosts are listed here, along with the steps to register.
Tournaments Design

Mobile Design

Mobile Design

Mobile Before and After
  • The mobile version of the website has been designed to look and feel like a native app.
  • On the home page, I shifted the items within the desktop version’s navigation bar to be large buttons that were more mobile-friendly for navigating the site.
  • I included a bottom navigation bar that sticks to the screen for easy navigation to the home page, Premier Tour, Shop, and the user’s account.

Other UX CHanges

Other UX CHanges

  • The About Us page now includes Membership, which had previously fallen under the un-related Member Organizations page, making it difficult for players to find.
  • I added links for the different subcategories to the About Us page, as they previously were only accessible through the navigation menu and they were not housed on any section, making the nav bar the only method of finding subcategories.
  • For all of the USA Dodgeball resources to be accessible on one page, the downloadable official logos were moved from the Events page to the Resources page.
Other UX Changes