Seek my Soulmate

Dating App



The Seek My Soulmate dating app is a conceptual design project that explores the potential of video-swiping as a way to improve the user experience of dating apps. The app is designed to help singles find meaningful connections by providing them with a more engaging and interactive swiping experience.


The challenge was to design a dating app that incorporates the most advantageous features found in current apps available on the market, while also introducing an innovative video-swiping feature. The app needed to be user-friendly and visually appealing, and it needed to focus on helping users find meaningful connections.


The design process began with extensive research on existing dating apps to understand their strengths and weaknesses. This research was used to create a comprehensive flowchart that illustrated how users would navigate the Seek My Soulmate app, from logging in to swiping on profiles, messaging, and ultimately meeting their matches.

Once the features and user flow were finalized, the wireframing process began. Wireframes were sketched out to layout the design of each screen and determine the placement of key elements. Once the wireframes were complete, high-fidelity wireframes and a prototype were created in Figma to simulate the app's functionality.

With the wireframe prototype complete, it was time to focus on the visual design of the app. This involved selecting the right colors, font styles, and overall aesthetic to create a user-friendly and visually appealing interface. Finally, each screen and user flow was documented in detail to ensure a clear understanding of the app's design and functionality.


The resulting Seek My Soulmate dating app is a unique and innovative dating experience that offers users the following benefits:

  • A user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate
  • A wide range of features that meet the needs of different types of users
  • An innovative video-swiping feature that provides a more engaging and interactive experience
  • A focus on helping users find meaningful connections

The Seek My Soulmate dating app is a conceptual design project that demonstrates the potential of video-swiping to improve the user experience of dating apps. The app's user-friendly interface, wide range of features, and focus on meaningful connections make it an attractive option for singles looking for love.

Conceptual Case Study Note

This case study is conceptual because it is a design proposal for a product that has not yet been developed. The app's features and functionality have been carefully considered, but they have not yet been implemented. The purpose of this case study is to demonstrate the potential of video-swiping as a way to improve the user experience of dating apps.


UI/UX Designer

Programs Used
Figma logo

Flowchart & Branding

Flowchart & Branding

Flowchart and branding



Final Product

Final Product

Swipe screenVideo swipe - Liked you alreadyChat screenMessage screenProfile ViewProfile Info screenEdit Profile screen

Swipe SCreen - Breakdown

Swipe SCreen - Breakdown

The Swipe screen is where users can browse through potential matches and use preferences to narrow down their search. This section features a video uploaded by the user that automatically plays, along with other essential details such as a thumbnail image, first name, age, and distance. Users have various options when swiping through profiles, which can be done via gestures or buttons. They can like, pass, message, or even go back on profiles they accidentally swiped pass on.

Design Rationale

The Swipe screen is designed to be engaging and interactive, while also providing users with all the information they need to make informed decisions about potential matches. The video feature is a unique way to allow users to learn more about each other and get a better sense of their personality. The other essential details, such as the thumbnail image, first name, age, and distance, are also important for users to consider when deciding whether or not to like a profile.

User Experience

The Swipe screen is designed to be easy to use and navigate. Users can simply swipe left or right to like or pass on a profile, or they can use the buttons to message a user or go back to a previous profile. The video feature automatically plays, so users can start learning about a potential match without having to do anything extra.


The Swipe screen is a key component of the Seek My Soulmate dating app. It is designed to be engaging, interactive, and easy to use, while also providing users with all the information they need to make informed decisions about potential matches.

Swipe - BreakdownSwipe - Breakdown - Liked You AlreadySwipe - Breakdown - It's a Match
Selecting the Share button will bring up ways to share the profile that the user is viewing.
Profile Information
This information displays the profile image, name, and age of the profile that the user is viewing.
Miles away
This will display how far away from the user is, based on the location set by the user's profile.
Swipe - bottom navigation
Selecting the swipe button in the bottom navigation will bring the user to the swipe section of the app.
Selecting the X button will pass on the profile the user is viewing.
Selecting the Reverse button go back to a profile the user just Swiped Up on.
Selecting the Message button will allow a user to send a message and Like that profile at the same time.
Selecting the Like button will like send a like to that user's profile and they can be a potential match.
Selecting the preferences button will bring up the preferences screen. Through that screen users can filter down who they want to swipe through.
Liked You
Selecting the Like You button will give the user profiles have already liked you. The red icon will appear when there are new potential matches that have liked you.
Selecting the Swipe button will give the user profiles that are new.
Message sent with Like
If a user send a message with their Like that you haven't matched with yet, their message will appear in the Like You screen here. Only a lines worth appears unless the user taps the chat, then it would expand.
Profile Image
The profile image of the person that you just matched with.
Continue Swiping
Selecting Continue Swiping will bring the user back to the Swipe section without sending a message back.
Chat Bar
The chat bar to send the person a message that you just matched with.
Message sent with Like
If a user send a message with their Like that you haven't matched with yet, their message will appear in the It's a match screen here.
Profile Name
Name of the person you matched with.
Your Profile Image
Your profile image shows here.
Gesture Right
Swipe Right
Swipe Right to Like. Liking a profile will add it to profiles you have liked and will become potential matches if that user also Likes them back.
Gesture Left
Swipe Left
Swipe Left to see who liked you in the Liked You panel.
Gesture Up
Swipe Up
Swipe Up to Pass on a profile that the user is viewing.
Gesture Down
Swipe Down
Swipe Down to go back to a profile the user just Swiped Up on.

Swipe SCreen - Workflows

Swipe SCreen - Workflows

Liking a Profile
  • User swipes right, double taps, or selects the heart icon to like a profile.
  • A large heart icon appears and grows in the center of the screen, while the heart icon on the side animates.
  • The next profile is displayed.
Profile Swipe ScreenLike AnimationNext Profile
Mutual Match
  • If the user has liked a profile that has also liked them, a "It's a match!" screen will appear.
  • The user can then send a message to their match or go back to swiping for potential new matches.
Profile Swipe ScreenLike AnimationMutual Match - 3
Mutual Match and Message Received
  • On the Liked You page, if someone who has liked you sends you a message, you will see an "It's a match!" screen.
  • This screen will display the message they sent.
  • You can send them a message back or continue swiping.
  • Replying to their message will take you to the chat screen with your conversation history.
Mutual Match and Message Received - 1Mutual Match and Message Received - 2Mutual Match and Message Received - 3Mutual Match and Message Received - 4
Send Message with a Like
  • Select the message icon to send a message with your like.
  • The message icon will animate and a message pop up will appear.
  • After the message is sent, the user is sent back to the Swipe screen with a new potential match.
Send message workflow 1Send message workflow 2Send message workflow 3Send message workflow 4